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Registration Help Center

Class Permission Request Form

The mission of the Registration Help Center is to empower students to register themselves for appropriate courses in a timely manner with support as needed.Our goal is to provide students with information during registration, thus students have the opportunity to clear issues that have been identified as possible barriers to enroll in classes. The Job of the Help Center Staff is to:

  • Help students identify holds that may not allow them to successfully register, such as Test Scores, Immunization, etc.
  • Connect students to campus offices and resources
  • Provide up-to-date information on policies and procedures as related to the current term registration
  • Serve as a college-wide resource for registration related information
  • Process overloads for qualified students
  • Process repeats for eligible students

Serving you better
In order for us to serve you better, please have the following information available prior to your call: 
2) First and Last Name
3) The class in which you wish to enroll including the 5 digit class numberIf you are emailing us, please use your KBCC email address with the above information and a brief description of your request.

Frequently Asked Questions

To register for an online course, you need to call the Registration Help Center at 718-368-6551.

In order to register for an online course, the following are required:

  • Knowledge of how to use Blackboard
  • Have regular access to a computer and have reliable standard internet access
  • Have a word processing application such as Microsoft Word
  • Knowledge of how to download and upload a document

When you receive a prerequisite error, you should fill out the Registration Help Center Intake form and provide us with the class that you are attempting to register for. We will respond to your request via email.

If a class is full, you should monitor that class to see if any seats become available, if seats become available, register as usual.

Search in  “Directory: Dept”, or you can search  by department .

No, you would need to enroll in the course, having a course in your cart does not mean you are enrolled in the class.

You would need a CUNYfirst account. If you have a CUNYfirst account, and you are still unable to login  please call the CUNYfirst Helpdesk at 718-368-6888 for assistance. Or Contact the Student Helpdesk via e-mail:, visit L-106 or call 718-368-6679

Go to CUNYfirst portal: Login here
Click on "How to Use CUNYfirst" in the left hand menu.
Click on "Getting Started in CUNYfirst". 

While registration has begun, each student has a different enrollment appointment date to register. 
To check your enrollment appointment date, login to your CUNYfirst account, go to Student Center.

Under Enrollment Dates (right hand menu), click on details.
You may have a "Hold" that prevents you from registering. You will need to contact the department 
who issued the hold and get the hold taken off to register for classes.


There are courses a student must pass before an advance course may be taken. If you have  met the prerequisites, call Registration Help Center at 718-368-6551 or email

There are various reasons for this. Call the Registration Help Center at 718-368-6551.

Please visit the registrar's office at A-101 or  Registrar website 

No. This is a time-conflict. You will need to pick another section for the class.

Check the academic calendar for class deletion and withdrawal period. 

On CUNYfirst, go to Student Center-> Enroll 
Select the term > Click Continue. Select the course you want to delete (drop) or withdraw.

You may need to be readmitted to the college.
Contact the registrar's office at 718-368-5136  or visit Registrar website.

No, you would need to enroll the class on CUNYfirst.

The shopping cart is for your convenience but it does not automatically register you.

Based on the college catalog, you can repeat a course if you received a grade of C- or lower. Please refer to the college catalog for more information.

You can take up to 18 credits in the Fall / Spring semester and up to 8 credits in the 
Summer/ Winter semester.

We are not academic advisors. Thus, we are unable to advise you on what class you will need to take. Contact your Academic Advisor.